Love Message

there's an eye somewhere
to see it
For every truth
there's an ear somewhere
to hear it
For every love
there's a heart somewhere
to receive it
Every Sunset Gives us 1 Day Less to Live!
2live a life i need heartbeate, 2have heartbeat i need a heart, 2have heart i need happiness, 2have happiness i need a friend, and 4 a friend i need U ALWAYS!
Live 4 the person who dies 4 u, Smile 4 the person who cries 4 u, Fight 4 the person who protects u, & love the person who loves u.
Love Message

But Every Sunrise Give us,
1 Day More to Hope!
Wishing U Fibulas 2011
& Remained That
My Heart is Ever at Ur Service.
Love Message

Love Message
