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Be Like that

-to recover from nagative (bad) thinking.
*A Transistor
-to amplify the character
*A Resistor
-to drop bad habits
*A Capasitor
-to store good thoughts@:-p

Newton Per Square Meter

Scientists, They were playng "Hide and Seek" In Hell,
It was Einstein's Turn to Seek,
All the scientists went and hide except newton!!
He Drew a square of 1m (One Meter),
where he stood.
Eint finished count and spotted newton
He screamed,
"yeah, I found...
I found Newton"!!!
Newton cooly replied,
" You Are wrong"
I'm newton standing in one meter square.
Which makes me "\\Newton Per Square Meter"\\ which is equal to "pascal".
Hence I'm Pascal

Velocity's laws of newton

A Goat was walking
Newton stopped the goat
then he established his first laws
laws 1: "An object continues to move unless it's stopped!!!"

at the same time the goat gave a klick to newton
Then he formulated the third laws
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"
he has also a revenge to it
he then
Force the goat by kicking behind
It gave a sound...MA
He formulated the second law